Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Being in the Present

Well, I was just getting myself into the present moment as a practice, while weeding an annual flower bed at work, just breathing in and centering myself to the task ahead. Ahhh, peace. Then this lovely gift appeared within the greenery. I swear, if I had not been practicing mindfulness and being careful, I would not have seen her there amount the plants. She stayed there all the time I was working on the bed. (Again cautiously). But all ability to focus on my breath had been replaced with Dragonfly quilts in beautiful colour on a white background, some snails, frogs, plants, fish, yeah all of the healthy Eden stuff.

This is for you world. We very are glad to garden organically.

On the nautical quilt....still trying to choose which quilting design to use in the blocks. I am going through the Readers Digest 1000 Quilting Designs and so far have picked out about 25 motifs. I make a vow today that I will have the quilting patterns picked by July 9th, the beginning of my summer holiday. This means I will have time to start quilting. Wish me luck.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Coming clean about the process

Sewww, for the last while I have been working on "The Nautical" quilt. This is how I pieced it together the first time. I really had not noticed that the four rows and columns weren't really truly balanced. The rhythm is just off. But it looks nice and lively.

Sewwww now I have flipped the top two rows. I can see how it is more calm and steady. I would not have been aware of the issue if I had not looked at the pictures I took.

All I have left to add to the quilt top is a bit of light blue along the sides and do a row similar to the blue and yellow on the bottom row to the top. Then I have to decide in what manner to quilt the top. I think, since this is my 3rd attempt at quilting and my first full sized quilt, I will do something like echo or stitch in the ditch for the blocks and some chain link type of motif in the sash.

Any suggestions?