Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I guess if you put it out there, it will appear.

Well, wonders never cease. I titled my blog Studio Dreamin' because my dream was to one day have a studio of my own. I wanted my own place to be me, have friends drop by, and surround myself with creative elements. All of this inspired by the beautiful and generously instructional blogs I have been following on the world wide web. An especially loud shout out to Happy Zombie and Quiltsalott.

Two weeks ago I got my studio! Trust me, it was a large and unexpected gift from my darlin' dearest. Here are the photos.

Hmmm. I see the leaves have sprouted out on the trees too. So now I must get down to the serious work ahead. Quilting, knitting, sewing, spinning and weaving. Who will weed the garden?